vrijdag 14 januari 2011

Welcome viewers al over the world to my blog on running my 1st ultra (60K) on rawfood

I will be posting some blogs in English as well the coming months when preparing for the 60 of Texel, my first Ultra marathon and I'm really looking forward to it.
Specially because I'm on Rawfood for about 98% the coming tree months. No animal proteins just fruits, vegetables, some good oil and nuts, etc. and all as I mentioned raw, the way our body likes it best.
Recipes are welcome as long as it raw, I'm fine tuning some salad's, but there must be tons of combinations which I don't know about yet. Here's a delicious snack idear i got from a dear friend: take a big fresh date, remove the pit by splitting it and fill it with dried coconut flakes and eat it, you can run a half marathon on just four of these instead of two or more gel's. Be sure to drink plenty off water after you chewed them as long as possible.

As Dr. Doug Graham said:"health is cheap, but illness is very expensive" see Youtube.

Voor de Nederlands prekende onder ons, op youtube staan leerzame video's van Dr. Graham en Tim van Orden

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